Opportunities in Renewable Energy - Courses, Skills and Jobs in the Sector

Rapid industrialization and technological advancement, along with fast-paced urbanization and growing prosperity of the developing nations, have collectively led to an increase in the dependency on fossil fuels for satisfying the day-to-day needs of the global population. Owing to the slow replenishment rate of these natural resources that take millions of years to refill themselves, the availability of coal, oil and natural gas is gradually on the decline. Moreover, energy sources are not evenly distributed across the globe and are primarily concentrated in restricted areas on the earth’s surface. This has limited their accessibility & supply and has led to economic disparity around the world. Add to this our indiscriminate use of them for the smooth functioning of our industrial set-ups and for facilitating our daily needs of transport, agriculture, electricity and power, and we are left with an impending energy crisis, coupled with rising oil prices and the perils of envir...